Change of ownership
at northrail
April 12, 2018
The Hamburg-based Paribus Group has sold the workshop company northrail technical service GmbH & Co. KG to the RAILPOOL Group. In future, the company will offer its workshop services for locomotives and other rail vehicles under the name RAILPOOL Lok-Service GmbH & Co. KG.
Hamburg– As of 1 April 2018, the RAILPOOL Group has purchased from the Paribus Group all shares in the company northrail technical service GmbH & Co. KG (nts), a workshop for rail vehicles in Hamburg-Billbrook.
The current business and existing contracts will continue unchanged under the new owners. In future, the workshop will operate under the name RAILPOOL Lok-Service GmbH & Co. KG.
RAILPOOL Managing Director Torsten Lehnert: “The service site in Hamburg is ideally situated for the efficient maintenance of our over 200 locomotives. For the RAILPOOL Group, the purchase of the workshop is an important strategic investment. We will further expand the existing workshop capacities in the coming years specifically for the maintenance of electric locomotives.”
Dr Volker Simmering, Managing Director and Partner of the Paribus Group: “With its expertise, the locomotive workshop has made a valuable contribution in recent years to the technical management of the locomotives managed by our locomotive leasing company northrail GmbH. In the meantime, we have pooled the necessary expertise in the technical team of northrail GmbH and organise most of the necessary maintenance regionally at the respective sites. RAILPOOL, in turn, has gradually become nts’ largest customer in Hamburg with its electric mainline locomotives.”
Even after the change of ownership, northrail GmbH will remain a customer of the Hamburg workshop and will continue to request maintenance services there, primarily in the regional catchment area.
RAILPOOL is one of the leading rail vehicle rental companies with genuine expertise for full service from a single source. The company was founded in Munich in 2008 and operates in 14 European countries.
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About northrail
northrail GmbH (northrail) is a leading German asset manager and lessor of rail vehicles. The company was founded in 2008 and is majority-owned by the Paribus Group. The spectrum of northrail’s tasks ranges from advising on the purchase of vehicles to leasing, ongoing support for tenants, coordination of maintenance and repairs, and the sale of vehicles. northrail currently manages a pool of over 125 locomotives and 93 passenger vehicles.
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About the Paribus-Gruppe
The Paribus Group, headquartered in Hamburg, initiates, designs and supports tangible asset investments for private and institutional investors in the asset classes of real estate and railway vehicles. The cornerstones are project planning, management and trusteeship. The total investment volume of current and already completed investments under Paribus management amounts to around €2.7 billion.
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Press enquiries: Corporate and press information for RAILPOOL: Torsten Lehnert, Managing Director RAILPOOL GmbH, Seidlstraße 23, D-80335 Munich Tel.: +49 89 510 85 77-120 E-Mail:
Corporate and press information for northrail/Paribus Group:
Dr Volker Simmering, Managing Director
Paribus Holding GmbH & Co. KG, König Kontor| Königstraße 28, D-22767 Hamburg Tel.: +49 40 8888 00 6-60, Telefax: +49 40 8888 00 6-199
Jens van Laak, Managing Director northrail GmbH, König Kontor| Königstraße 28, D-22767 Hamburg Tel.: +49 40 8888 00 6-432, Telefax: +49 40 8888 00 6-401 E-Mail:
Imke Wiener, Head of Marketing and Communication
Paribus Holding GmbH & Co. KG, König Kontor| Königstraße 28, D-22767 Hamburg. Tel.: +49 40 8888 00 6-131. Telefax: +49 40 8888 00 6-199.
PR agency:
Jörg Brans, Senior Consultant
public imaging Finanz PR & Vertriebs GmbH, Goldbekplatz 3, D-22303 Hamburg. Tel.: +49 40 40 19 99-31. Telefax: +49 40 40 19 99-10.
RAILPOOL is one of the leading railway vehicle leasing companies offering real expertise for full service from a single source. The company was founded in Munich in 2008 and now operates in 16 European countries.
RAILPOOL is one of the largest providers in Europe with more than 400 locomotives and an investment total of over one billion euro. The RAILPOOL fleet covers 70,000,000 kilometers every year and makes an important contribution to the modal shift to rail. RAILPOOL has its own warehouse with over 78,935 items from 2,700 different spare parts and components.
RAILPOOL. Flexibility For Rent.
Tel: +49 89 510 85 77-0
Seidlstraße 23
80335 Munich